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The Piano Girl

She plays from memory. Her memories.
The day after her sixteenth birthday, Princess Alia finds out that she's been given away in marriage to a man she's never met. The war has just ended, and for Alia's protection, she must travel to her future kingdom disguised as a chicken farmer's daughter. This princess-to-pauper fairy tale-like story is filled with problems, prayers and plenty of piano.
Free on Amazon - 167-pages.

Part Two is 167-pages and $2.99.
 Or Free with Kindle Unlimited.

Audible Sample:
8-hours and 59-minutes

Narrated by Sarah Zimmerman

Link to Audible for audio book.

The Piano Girl - Amazon Link

The Viola Girl by Sherri Schoenborn Murray delicately intertwines romance and humor. The second book in The Counterfeit Princess Series, Wren plays from memory just like her sister. A memorable read.

The Viola Girl

Wren plays from memory just like her sister. Her memories.
Princess Wren begins a journey to Yonder to see Alia, her older sister, and to say the goodbye that was never said. Alone, and only fifteen, she has many lessons to learn, including one that costs Wren her heart. This prodigal daughter story is filled with problems, prayers, and plenty of romance.
$2.99 - 336-pages.
 Free with Kindle Unlimited. 

Audible Sample:
10 hours and 2 minutes

Narrated by Danielle Winter

Link to Audible for audio book.

The Viola Girl - Amazon Link

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